What's Next?
We've talked a lot about the LEDs and how a lot of them aren't as good as you would think, but that still isn't the whole story. "What is the whole story?" you ask, and while there's a
page on helping this cause, that might not be enough. You see, there are a few more things that can be done and should be planned on in the future. Let's see what there is:
Telling other people
This one's a little different than you would expect. Instead of relying on indirect methods like brochures and advertisements, I emailed a town that wanted to switch to LED
streetlights from LPS. The email talked about glare shields and the related issues, but what was interesting is that my efforts were briefly talked about
in their meeting. It wasn't much, but I then knew that someone saw it. This info shows that directly letting other people know can be a good option.
Planning for the future
At the pace lighting is going at right now, this website could be inacurate not long from now. However, it might not, but it's wise to plan ahead as a just-in-case
precaution. What exactly do we need to plan ahead for? Well, one notable change could be the closing of lamp manufacturing factories. The good news is, this doesn't
have to happen. With the power of economics, we know that when there is demand, there will probably be a supply. What if tht doen't work? I currently have a plan in the
works to make a new kind of HPS lamp. It's one that no manufacturer has done before, maybe because their lamp engineers had tunnel vision. The details of this plan
aren't there just yet, so stay tuned.
Making existing technology better
It's common that I see existing HID streetlights that are poorly designed. A common problem I see is a low-efficiency relfector. Why is it done that way? I don't know, but a close guess could
be to reduce glare, because FCO lighting tends to have more glare than standard non-cutoff luminaires. However, it doesn't have to be this way. GE uses textured refectors in the M250-R2
FCO, and it works well. Why can't others make use of this? After all, bare aluminum relfects more light than light gray paint. Making this fix will likely make the traditional fixtures more competitive
with LED.